LaPlata (Argentina) Smalltalks 2017 Presentations
Presentations include:
Deploying Pharo applications to Gemstone.
ThinLocks: featherweight synchronization.
Winter: a 2D game framework for Pharo.
Smalltalk Blocks and Closures.
Beenux: A new way of using native libs on Linux in Smalltalk.
Willow 101: How to create an interactive web application.
Providing Site and System Admin Tools Within the Application.
Highcharts Wrapper for the Seaside web framework.
Recordable, Replayable Refactorings.
Introduction to Lambda Calculus using Smalltalk.
JP Morgan Chase: Technology Ignites our Business
Reasoning about memory-critical algorithms.
UFFI by Example
VA Smalltalk 9: Exploring the Next-Gen LLVM-based Virtual Machine.
Metaphysics: Reifying Runtimes.